17 September 2020

Most popular Jewel

The competition for the best ‘Jewel’ on the Crowning Glory sculpture is now over and the winner is Alesia...

2 September 2020

Crowning Glory wins

Bury in Bloom wins with Crowning Glory!!The Bury in Bloom entry in the Anglia in Bloom virtual competition that...

30 July 2020

Results from Certificate of Merit

An amazing 53% increase in ‘Highly Commended’ awards is proof, if any were needed that Bury St Edmunds is...

22 July 2020

Fountain of Flowers unveiled

Our Fountain of Flowers, to say a big thankyou to the NHS was unveiled yesterday, July 21st.. Jo Sweetman...

13 July 2020

Fountain of Flowers unveiling

The official unveiling of the Fountain of Flowers has been set for Tuesday 21 July as the people of...

7 July 2020

Crowning Glory sculpture unveiled

Bury in Bloom’s entry into the ‘Best Display of Recycled Materials’ was unveiled today, July 7th, 2020. Thank you...

15 June 2020

Certificates of Merit to go ahead!

David Irvine (Bury in Bloom Coordinator) says: “I’m thrilled to tell you that the decision to go ahead with...

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