Busy Green Fingers, Schools and Care Homes
Please contact Fiona Till, Green Fingers Coordinator, greenfingers@buryinbloom.org.uk
Busy Green Fingers has been part of the Bury In Bloom family for the past seven years. The project is targeted at Bury’s youngest gardeners and we work with all the pre-schools, nurseries and Early Years classes in the town.
Our objective is to provide hands-on gardening opportunities for all their pupils. We are dealing with a wide range of schools and the space available and other facilities can vary enormously, but we offer advice, if required, and occasionally resources.
By stressing the active involvement of all children, we are tapping into the excitement and enthusiasm that comes from sowing, growing and harvesting. These children are the next generation of gardeners.
An awareness of environmental issues underpins all our input and we can draw on advice from the RHS. We have also received help from local organisations for which we are very grateful. As the project has developed, we have seen new ideas emerging across the schools, such as bug hotels and butterfly gardens. Vegetable plots and herb gardens have become a regular feature in the schools, together with water butts and compost bins.
At the end of the academic year, we applaud their efforts and celebrate their achievements with a tea party at which we present certificates and vouchers. Gardening is a skill for life, and we hope that Busy Green Fingers provides an early introduction to its pleasures, thrills and benefits.
‘It has been lovely to see even more nurseries, pre-schools and reception classes giving children the opportunity to learn about plants and get involved in growing flowers and vegetables. The drought this year has made them realise the value of water to their gardens. The garden party was a fun way to say thank you and well done to all involved’.
Pam Fletcher former Busy Green Fingers Co-ordinator