Certificates of Merit 2024
Please contact our new Certificates of Merit Coordinator, certificates@buryinbloom.org.uk
In 2022, following RHS briefing, Bury In Bloom front garden judging changed its scoring system. Gardeners can be awarded more points by having more sustainable elements in their front garden. Additionally houses with no front garden or one used for parking can also be awarded points by introducing floral displays. The judging area was increased last year to include Marham Park and Moreton Hall.
Bury in Bloom Certificates of Merit Front Garden judging, 2024
On June 24th judges met for briefing and to meet team leaders and fellow judges. There is a short summary below of the key points.
Here is a link to a video of the briefing event, there is a further link to the full Powerpoint presentation on there:
After 14th July any queries please email certificates@buryinbloom.org.uk so the team can respond to any concerns.
Some useful information to help you is below, click on the link to open a document
Certificate of Merit points system for judging 2024
Guidelines for front garden judges 2024